If you read books by great minds such as Napoleon Hill and Wallace D. Wattles, you will see some of the same principles repeated in their material. You will notice that they believe the power of words and images are fundamental to success. Many people would say that these principles are "No Brainers". But you would be surprised if you knew how many people forget or neglect these basics of achievement throughout their daily lives.

The only real common difference among these great intellectuals of history is not the principle(s) but the wordage and/or choice of vocabulary. One author may advice his readers to utilize "visualization" practices while the other would recommend holding a "mental image" of prosperity in your mind while acting towards it. The effort to visualize abundance and/or develop positive mental images can be more difficult than applying the use of power words in your journey towards success.

Power words are effective tools if used consistently with integrity and conviction. Some people may use extreme negative power words and images to move them towards their goals. For instance, if an individual is trying to complete a 12 mile marathon and he or she finds himself facing physical adversity before his finish point, the image of someone without the ability to run may bring a feeling of gratitude towards their own capability to feel pain while running freely. In that same scenario, there are many power words that can be used by the runner during moments of fatigue. Some of those power words may be persistence, perseverance, invincible, strength, success, poise, confidence, passion, etc. Whether you are using power words, power images, or the combination of both, it is highly recommended to use positive images and words. The main reason is that history is a believer in "like attracts like".

Yes, the advice in this article is basic, fundamental, and some may say cliche. But everyone, men, women, young, elder, of all races need daily reminders and affirmations to get to where they want to go. You may not be in need of power words or images. But someone you know could use these mental tools for encouragement and motivation.

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1 comment:

zhan said...

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